NRG Electrical Installation Services in Bedford - Rewiring your home

"When is the Best time to rewire my property?" a Homeowner in Bedford Asks.

Here at NRG Electrical Installation Services, we are always asked the question “WHEN SHOULD WE REWIRE” & it is a fair point.
Usually asked by a concerned customer following an electrical problem or electrical safety check that has flagged up a few issues. The fact of the matter is that there are several points to consider before we can give you a definitive answer to that. 
It is not always an easy decision to make but we will always give you an honest and impartial answer.

How old is the wiring system?

This is a big factor in deciding whether to proceed before you plan to decorate, we just give it to you straight though, no sugar coating it.

“Wiring systems have an expiration date like most things”

The truth is, wiring systems will eventually fail and without warning in some cases.
When you call an electrician because the lights have gone off and there are no sockets working there is sometimes the bad news that your wiring is to put it bluntly Kaput! 
Many new cables come with a guarantee of 10 years from the manufacturer, Now that’s not to say that the wiring won’t last longer than 10 years, in fact it is highly likely to last far longer than that, but you are also highly likely to develop problems if it is not maintained over its lifespan. We come across wiring systems that have been installed in the 60’s which are still in good order. If they are well looked after they can continue to run without issue. These installs are still functioning because they have not had heavy use or have been well maintained and have not had Dave from down the Pub carrying out Dodgy DIY work which impacts on the safety of the system!

Any existing problems that you are aware of?

If you have some existing issues at your Bedford home, it might just be the time to have a major overhaul rather than patching up and avoiding the inevitable full rewire that is really needed, all the small issues eventually build up like problems you get with an old Banger of a car!

Does that Socket outlet work? 

•    Did it used to work, and you ignored it and started using a different one?
•    Did you ever think WHY it failed?

The socket may have stopped working due to poor terminations. Loose wires can cause fires and if you are lucky, just burnt cabling and the protective device trips. There are many reasons of course for the socket failing. But if there are issues like this in your wiring then it is time it was checked, and any remedial work carried out to correct the faults.

When was the wiring last inspected?

An electrical inspection is recommended to be carried out every 5-10 years at your Bedford property, but the interval is determined by the inspector on the day/time of testing.
There could be an indication on the consumer unit, or you may have some certification from when you bought the home, most people have no idea when so if you have lived in the house over ten years chances are it has never received this.

How long are you planning to stay in the property?

This is usually one of the first questions I would ask when approaching the subject of rewiring,  being upfront and honest from the off. 
If you are planning to sell the house soon and know the wiring system is not in a great condition then I wouldn’t be thinking about WHEN TO REWIRE YOUR PROPERTY, if you are planning on staying there for a good 5-10 years at least then it may be worth the investment.
It is worth getting a test and inspection beforehand to confirm a rewire is required before throwing unnecessary money away.
You may be surprised that it may only require a few upgrades like a consumer unit replacement or some other remedial works. We are always honest with our clients and do not push them into doing things that are not required just to make a few quid, our reputation means more to us than that.

What are typical signs that a home needs rewiring?

Old Antique looking fuse box – This kind of goes without saying, I guess. If the fuse box looks old, then your wiring is likely to be the same if not older. 

If your Fusebox looks like the one in the photograph, then it is around 40+ years old roughly. I would then look to get the install inspected and the consumer unit replaced as a minimum, this will bring the install up to a much better safety standard.

  • Flickering lights – This could be a sign of wiring that is breaking down and failing but it may not be.
  • Old Brown Bakelite sockets and switches - These would indicate that the system is at least 50 years old and it is time to rewire regardless, it may only be certain parts that are needed though. 
  • Ceiling pendants with single twisted wires exposed - We come across these a lot, again there is a high probability that the wiring is old and antiquated and there is a possibility of having no Earthing in the lighting circuits so no new fancy metal lights or switches. 
  • Lights mounted near windows in bedrooms – Id always wondered why the light in my bedroom was right next to my window, I believe it was so there was no shadow cast if you were changing next to the window (with the curtain closed of course) but could be another reason, anyway this was at least 40 years ago now so high chance the wiring was dated.
  • A single socket in each room – If I had a pound for the amount of homes I go into in the Bedford area that only have one socket in each room I'd be a very rich man!!! Again, this was common practice in years gone by, but as we have now moved into an age where power is everything (for the kids to charge their latest device) we need many more.
  • Rubber wiring – Rubber Wiring or VIR (Vulcanised Indian Rubber) as it is referred to, was common in homes of around the 50s, we are still seeing this in many homes to date. If we see this, we suggest rewiring the affected circuits immediately, over time it becomes hard and cracks leaving exposed metallic cores which is extremely dangerous.

In summary there are so many factors that can determine whether you should rewire and when, you should start by hiring an electrician to have a brief look and get the facts and then make an informed decision. 

If you would like to speak to your qualified, local electrician in Bedford about the wiring in your home, contact us today.